Turkish government to use ISIS terrorists for ruling things out in its own country?

According to recent reports, Erdoğan and his government are going to turn to the help of their puppet terrorists from ISIS to gain even more control over the population of Turkey. Erdoğan is clearly attempting to strangle any expression of any freedom in Turkey: he started a war in South-Eastern regions of the country, he jails journalists, threatens political parties and blocks any sites he doesn’t like.

Now, the Turkish president is about to aggrevate the situation even more: he is preparing an operation involving several military units of ISIS to battle the Kurds by the Syrian border. Besides that, he is set to orginize several acts of terror to frighten the evolving opposition in Turkey. Behind all his words of the so-called `parralel state` and `the Kurdish threat`is just fear. He is simply afraid to lose power and money one day!

To ensure that the operation is carried out unnoticed, Erdoğan will use those terrorists who have undergone medical treatment in Turkish hospitals and are already inside the country. According to our sources, the estimated number of those involved in Erdoğan’s operation will reach 3,000 people.

And who’s going to pay for the operation? Of course, the Turkish president earns vast amounts of money selling weapons to terrorists and selling oil they extract for him, but this time it’s not the case. This time the Turkish people will sponsor Erdoğan’s plans! Would you ever call Erdoğan a peace-maker again after this?

Turkish government to use ISIS terrorists for ruling things out in its own country?

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